Πέμπτη 15 Αυγούστου 2024

Όσο οι Ουκρανοί συνεχίζουν την επίθεση απελπισίας στο Κουρσκ οι Ρώσοι περικυκλώνουν το Ποκρόβσκ και το κοίτασμα λιθίου!

 Στρατηγός Φρ. Φράγκος: Αντί σχολίου..

After watching the progress #Ukraine has made in #Kursk direction with these fingers spreading out due to units rushing toward certain areas, I have now come to the conclusion that this attack is most likely an attack made out of desperation.

When looking toward #Pokrovsk, you notice that the #Russian army is just around 7km away from entering the first suburb or outer area of the city. This city is a particularly important hub from which railroads and main roads provide easy methods of supplying the eastern front.

If this city falls, Ukraine will have an extremely tough time supplying their forces in the #Donbass area.

Initially I thought they may be taking this land to set themselves up for favorable positions during negotiations which they may have known will take place at the end of the year, by using this captured land as leverage to demand the return of #Crimea, while giving up on the Donbass area.

But now I think this move was made purely to force #Russia into reinforcing their troops by redeploying forces from the Pokrovsk direction toward the Northeast.

Unfortunately, it seems to not have worked since Russia has increased their rate of advance toward Pokrovsk, in what is starting to look like a game of chicken.

Ukraine is rushing toward, or at least it seems that way, toward the Kursk nuclear power plant, expecting Russia to send reinforcements and thus, slowing down their advance toward Pokrovsk.

On the other hand, Russia is rushing Pokrovsk even more now, expecting Ukraine to reinforce their troops in this area with the ones in the offensive in Kursk.

Who's going to give in first?

It's about 20km to the Kursk nuclear power plant, and 7km to the first suburb of Pokrovsk.

Πηγή : x.com/Factual_Fury

Πλέον απέχουν μόλις 7 χιλιόμετρα από την πόλη!

Θεόφραστος Ανδρεόπουλος 

Τραγική είναι η κατάσταση στο μέτωπο του Ποκρόβσκ καθώς η Ανώτατη Στρατιωτική Διοίκηση της Ουκρανίας εκκενώνει τον πληθυσμό και τα στρατεύματα από τη Μιρνόπολη και άλλες πόλεις στα περίχωρα της πόλης!

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