Σάββατο 5 Νοεμβρίου 2022

Turkey unveils MIR naval surface drone for fighting submarines

 Ότι αρχή και τέλος, παλαιόθεν και ως τώρα, όλα τα θερία πολεμούν να μας φάνε τους Έλληνες και δεν μπορούνε. Τρώνε από μας και μένει και μαγια»

           Στρατηγός Ιωάννης ΜΑΚΡΥΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ

By Burak Ege Bekdil

The MIR naval drone was developed by a partnership of military-electronics specialist Aselsan, Turkey’s biggest defense firm, and Sefine, a privately owned shipyard. (Aselsan image)
ANKARA — The Turkish government’s defense industrial-policy office, the Defense Industries Presidency SSB, has unveiled the MIR, an unmanned naval vehicle designed to fight submarines from the surface.

Ismail Demir, head of SSB, told the press that the MIR will come in three features. It can be used autonomously, in a remote control operations or manned with a crew.

The MIR will have electronic-warfare capabilities, sonar and a range of missiles developed by Turkey’s state-controlled missile maker Roketsan.

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