Τετάρτη 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2018

Feed - Quora

No, Turkey is not willing to start a war with the USA. That would be suicidal. Nobody in Turkey not even the staunchest Turkish nationalist is delusional enough to claim Turkey is on par with the USA in military terms. It is not.
However, a possible shoot out between the two NATO allies would destroy everything the USA is trying to build in this region. It would play right into the Russia’s hand, and push Turkey to the expanding Russian sphere of influence. A possible Turkish, Iranian, Syrian and Russian alliance would mean the end of US influence in the region and would have lasting implications for the Gulf countries and Israel in the region. Turkey is a 800 bn USD economy with one of the strongest militaries in NATO sitting on energy pipelines to Europe. It is big enough to tip the scale in the middle east if it goes to the other side.
That is why nobody will be kicking anybody out of NATO, that is just idiots with no understanding of geopolitics talking.
When push comes to shove - I would estimate the USA will see reason and abandon their YPG allies in Manbij. They have a reputation for using terrorist groups as long as they are no danger to them, and selling them out when they are. Just as they supported Taliban against the soviets and then attacked the same Taliban they supported.
This is a life and death situation for Turkey - that is why we will go to great lengths to contain YPG influence in the region. It is not for the USA.
I will say this though - even in the case where both countries are suicidal and it did come to an all out war - do remember that it is not always the strong who wins in a conflict, most of the times it is the most determined. The USA lost the Vietnam war not because they were weak, but because Vietnam outlasted them. Invade Turkey, and you will see that Vietnam was a cakewalk in comparison - just ask the multitudes who invaded before. We are still here and they are not.

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