Σάββατο 6 Ιανουαρίου 2018

Why is the US risking the expensive F-22 in low grade conflicts like Syria, when ISIS doesn't know it, others can research its capabilities?

USAF isn't risking anything by flying the Raptors in Syria since Syria doesn't have the capability to endanger the stealthy jet. On the other hand USAF is generating an enormous amount of experience by flying the 5th gen fighter jet and they are homing in on their skills. The greatest attribution of a 5th gen fighter jet isn't stealth, it's sensor fusion and connectivity with other systems. In 21st century information is the power. You can't hit anything kinetically unless you have the information where is that object that you want to hit. That's where a Raptor (and F -35 in the near future) comes in. Raptors are basically an information nodes that suck up enormous amount of data and they disseminate that data throughout the joint force. No aircraft in the world can do that better then the Raptor (except F -35 with its even more advanced sensors).
One more info. Raptors in Syria fly with external tanks attached to them and with a thing called radar deflectors (it makes the jet highly visible to radars in the region, particularly to the Russians). The reason why they do it is the fact that they feel secure but don't want to give the Russians an opportunity to scan our best fighter jets and incorporate the findings into their counter stealth systems. So basically the Raptors are there to do an advanced ISR mission, and train and advance our tactics for the possible future near peer adversary conflict. Of course they throw an SDB here and there.

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